How I Was Able To Quit My sales Job And play music full time instead

aaron wolf music special guest app

Seven months ago I quit a sales job that made me miserable to finally pursue my dream of becoming a full time musician.

I’ve always wanted to take the leap but it wasn’t until one night when I was out at a venue and I caught a performance of a local artist that led me to realize it was actually possible.

After getting home that night I did some investigating and went to their website where I noticed that they were booked heavily throughout the month across many different venues.

At that moment, fed up with the rat race of building someone else’s dream, one simple yet powerful question came upon me…if they are doing it, why can’t I?

The next day I decided that I was going to take the same “sales mentality” that I had developed from years of cold calling and knocking doors, only now I would apply it to my passion of being a performer and music artist. So the next day, I made a list of 50 venues in my local area and emailed them all 1 by 1. 

As I started reaching out to more venues, I noticed a trend in the market. Many of the places that I would reach out to seemed to be doing all of their booking through a new app called “Special Guest” and after a bit of persistence, I finally came across a friendly venue manager and that told me I needed to sign up as an artist on Special Guest if I were to have a shot at getting booked. (Thanks dude!)

I immediately signed up for a talent profile, entered in my information, and BOOM. I got my first booking for $200. 

Fast forward to now, it’s only been a few  short months since I have been on Special Guest and I’ve already made over $3,000 from paid performance opportunities both locally and in other states.

I’m not here to tell you that this app is going to make you rich overnight but what I’ve learned is that nowadays as an independent artists it’s important to have multiple streams of revenue. Since this one has been a reliable one for me, I thought I would share my experience for any  other artists or musicians out there who are just getting going and struggling to get paid to perform in their local market.

This app has taken me from feeling like I was “chasing opportunity” to literally having relationships with several talent buyers that now contact me regularly with paid gigs.

Needless to say, I am a fan of the platform and the best part is, it’s completely free to register for the profile and start getting booked shows today. 


Click here to signup for Special Guest and create your FREE artist profile!

(Full disclosure, I will receive a small credit if you signup through my link, but I genuinely wouldn’t share this if I didn’t believe this app could help you as much as it’s helped me.)